
What is Hyperopia?


Hyperopia, or long-sightedness, is a common condition that effects how clearly you can see objects close up. It is treated with prescription contact lenses or corrective glasses.

Common symptoms of Hyperopia:

  • Blurred vision
  • Eye strain
  • Headaches
  • Needing to squint to see close up objects properly

Check out our range of contact lenses for Hyperopia

Long sightedness, or Hyperopia, usually starts around puberty, but it can occasionally develop in much younger children. The condition makes focusing on things that are close to you difficult; like reading a book or writing in a notepad. Looking at things that are further away should be no problem, for instance when you’re looking at road signs while driving.

Hyperopia is caused by your eyeball not growing quite long enough. This makes it difficult for your cornea to focus light properly when an object is close up, sending an image to your brain that’s too blurry to see properly.

Common treatments for Hyperopia

Corrective lenses: Contact lenses or glasses can be used to bend light correctly before it reaches your eyes, allowing you to focus on close up objects.

Laser eye surgery: Laser eye surgery can be used to slightly alter the shape of the eye. This can be costly and shouldn’t be performed on young children.